Which Airlines Allow You to Take a Pet Stroller?

Pet Stroller

It is becoming much more common for strollers to be used for dogs, whether due to the dog’s health and mobility issues, or just their general comfort and safety. Not surprising then, some airlines have begun to make allowances for the transportation of pet strollers. It’s probably possible to fly with a pet stroller on … Read more

Flying Out of the UK with a Dog in 2024

Flying with a dog UK

It’s commonly known that pet dogs cannot fly to the UK in the cabin or as checked baggage, only as cargo. However, the same rule doesn’t apply in reverse. While many airlines don’t fly pet dogs in either direction, there are some airlines that fly pet dogs (and cats) out of the UK in the … Read more

What is the Weight Limit for Dogs on Planes?

Schnitzel in his carrier bag inside the cabin

The easiest way to fly with a dog on a plane is if they are allowed to fly with you in the cabin. I’ve been lucky enough to do this with my small dog around Europe, the US and on some international flights. However, most airlines have a weight limit for dogs in the cabin. … Read more

Which European Airlines Allow Dogs in the Cabin in 2024?

European Airlines That Allow Dogs in Cabin

One of the easiest ways to travel around Europe is by flying, and this also applies if you are travelling with a dog in Europe, especially a dog small enough to fly in the cabin. The vast majority of European airlines permit small dogs to fly in the cabin, although there are some notable exceptions, … Read more

Which UK Airlines Allow Pets Onboard in 2024?

British Airways Plane

Unlike elsewhere in Europe, most airlines in the United Kingdom don’t allow pet dogs and cats to fly in the cabin or even as check-in baggage. While most European airlines allow pets to fly in the cabin, this is not allowed on most UK airlines, partially due to the government regulations. So, what are the rules … Read more

Taking a Dog to the USA from the UK in 2024

Taking a Dog to USA

So you’re living in the United Kingdom and want to head to the United States along with your dog, whether to relocate or because you’re going on a holiday. But what are your options for taking a dog to USA from UK? I cover the different options available, as of August 2024, plus the latest … Read more

Flying to Europe with a Dog from the USA

Flying to Europe with a Dog

Europe is the most dog-friendly part of the world to travel with a dog. It’s no wonder then that if you live in the USA, that you might want to consider taking your dog along with you on a European vacation. But how easy is it to fly to Europe with a dog from the … Read more

Flying with a Dog in Australia: The Ultimate Guide

Flying dogs Australia

When planning to travel between different parts of Australia, whether for a holiday or some other reason, you’ll probably consider flying. After all, Australia is a big country, and it takes days to drive from one side of the country to the other. But if you’re travelling with a dog, is it possible for them … Read more

Flying To and From Ireland with a Dog

Flying to Ireland with a dog

Given that it’s an island, the easiest way to travel to and from Ireland is by flying. This includes if you’re travelling with a dog, especially a dog small enough to fly in the cabin. While the United Kingdom has a strict ban on pet dogs flying into the country in the cabin, there is … Read more