Travelling with a Dog Breed Classified as Dangerous

Travel with dangerous dog breed

While it’s sad to tag a dog as “dangerous” simply due to its breed, unfortunately there are numerous dog laws around the world that classify certain dogs breeds as dangerous, or apply restrictions for certain dog breeds. While you may consider your own dog to not be “dangerous”, it may be affected by these rules … Read more

Dog Travel Packing List: What to Pack for Your Dog

Dog travel packing list

If you asked me what we pack to travel with Schnitzel, my first answer would be not much. But when I unpack Schnitzel’s bag (yes, he has his own special bag, as well as extras that don’t fit inside it), it’s surprisingly a lot!  Packing everything you need (plus extras just in case), will make for a much happier … Read more

Do You Need a Dog Muzzle when Travelling in Europe?

Best dog muzzles for travel

So you’re heading to Europe, and someone’s mentioned that you’ll need a muzzle for your dog. It’s great that you know in advance and can prepare, but if you’re from somewhere that dog muzzles are not commonly used, such as my home country of Australia, the thought of muzzling your beloved dog may be worrying. … Read more

Do I Need a Rabies Titre Test To Travel With My Dog?

Rabies titre test

Before you head off travelling with your dog, or relocate with them across the world, you likely have a long list of preparation steps. Steps such as checking their rabies vaccination, getting a health certificate and researching pet-friendly transport options. But there’s one extra step you may require or should consider: a rabies titre test … Read more

9 Best Remedies for Dog Travel Sickness

Dog Travel Sickness: Dog at the window of the car

Having a dog who suffers from dog car sickness can be a major headache, whether you just need to drive your dog to the vet or are dreaming of taking a road trip together. And if your dog gets dog travel sickness travelling by car, what about other forms of transport? I was lucky that … Read more

What Countries Require Pet Quarantine?

Which countries require pet quarantine

One of the biggest concerns people have when they first consider travelling internationally with their dog is the chance of a stay in quarantine. Fortunately though, most of the countries that are popular destinations to visit with your dog don’t require quarantine, at least in this day and age. However, there are still some countries … Read more

What is a Pet Passport & Does Your Pet Need One?

Dog passports

As a human, if you want to travel internationally nearly always you’ll need to apply for a passport. So, it would make sense that if you want to take your pet overseas, you’d also need a passport. However, when it comes to pets, the rules for travelling internationally are quite different. Pet passports do exist, … Read more

Surviving IVDD While Travelling with My Dachshund

IVDD dog

Intervertebral Disk Disease, or IVDD for short, is a degenerative disease of the spinal cord in dogs. Also known as a “hernia” (what my vet called it in Germany), symptoms range from mild pain to complete paralysis of the back legs, with severe cases best treated by surgery. The disease occurs most commonly in Dachshunds, … Read more

How to Prevent Leishmaniasis in Your Dog in Europe

Protect your dog from leishmania

Summertime and the months either side are the most popular time of year to head to Europe, including if you’re travelling with your dog. But did you realise that you need to be wary of the disease known as Leishmaniasis across most of southern Europe? Read on to find out more about this disease and … Read more

5 Smart Storage Ideas For Travelling Pet Owners

Dog in front seat of car

Guest post from Kirsty Morbidelli of U-Store-It Travelling together with your pet can be a memorable and positive experience as long as you make sure your pet is safe and comfortable. That means you have to prepare well for the trip and pack all the equipment your pet might need. But what happens when you … Read more